08 May It’s All About Me!
Strange things happen when one is locked down. When Covid-19 shut us all inside I focused on my in-progress work. When that was done I invented stuff to do. It’s possible the virus had something to do with this self=promotion effort.
Going from Good to Weird
My friend, collaborator and illustrator Tom Hennessy gifted me with a wonderful scratch board portrait many years ago, see below. It’s still looks great to me and you’d think I would just leave it alone. I am not that smart. I decided to do my own version in Adobe Illustrator. I borrowed some of Tom’s key elements and added strangeness, saturated color and visual punch.
Fortunately, I was able to realize that the yellow eyes version was a step too far. That said, I still like it even though I was advised it was far too scary.
Inspired By Burning Man
In 2010 a group us spent a week on the Playa at Black Rock City. One of my tasks was to brand our camp. The below Metropolis image was so much fun to create. It was on banners, t-shirts and fake $100.00 bills that we handed out to everyone. As you can see, I decided to borrow the color scheme for my new self-promotion campaign.
Moon Brands Glow on the Shelf
A client said that about one of my wine labels. I was very flattered. That is precisely what I aspire to with every new project. Creating life on the shelf that speaks to consumers is what I have in mind . . . even if it might be a tiny bit weird.